Eight copies of a leather-bound, 1782-page artist’s book in three volumes. This contains 400 life stories, each including a typed version of the individual’s letter in the language of publication, a copy of the handwritten letter and a photo portrait by one of the project’s 16 photographers. The volume also contains 16 texts written by social science researchers. A multilingual publication available in four versions (handwritten letters in 74 languages + one of the four publication languages).
One copy is held by each of the eight partner:
Bibliothèque des Champs Libres
A 10 cours des Alliés, 35000 Rennes
T +33 223 40 66 00
W www.bibliotheque.leschampslibres.fr
Médiathèque François Mitterrand
– Les Capucins – Ateliers des Capucins
A 25 rue de Pontaniou, 29200 Brest
T +33 298 00 87 40
W www.capucinsbrest.com
Bibliothèque municipale
– Médiathèque Jacques-Demy
A 24 quai de la Fosse, 44000 Nantes
T +33 240 41 95 95
W www.bm.nantes.fr
Gibraltar Garrison Library
A 2, Library Ramp, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA
T +350 200 77418
M enquiries@gibraltargarrisonlibrary.gi
W www.ggl.gi
Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies
A Paseo del Dr. Fleming, 877, 33203 GijĂłn
T +34 985 182 960
W www.museos.gijon.es/page/5285- museu-del-pueblu-d-asturies
Biblioteca Municipal José Celestino Mutis
A Calle San Miguel 17, 11001 Cadix
T +34 956 22 61 56
Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett
A R. de Entre-Quintas 268, 4050-344 Porto
T +351 226 081 000
W www.bmp.cm-porto.pt
Museu de Lisboa – Palácio Pimenta
A Campo Grande, nÂş 245, 1700 – 091 Lisboa
T +351 217 513 200
W www.museudelisboa.pt